Home Clash of Clans The Best Hero Pets in Clash of Clans
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The Best Hero Pets in Clash of Clans


With a total of 10 Hero Pets in the game currently, it’s hard to know which ones are worth upgrading. Knowing which Pets are best to use for which Heroes is even harder. 

This comprehensive guide will give you a great understanding of each Pet, allowing you to know which ones to upgrade and which ones are best for each Hero.

Introduction to Hero Pets

In the April 2021 update, alongside Town Hall 14, Hero Pets were introduced to the game. The update included 4 Pets and a new building: the Pet House. The Pet House had 4 levels, with each level unlocking a new Pet.

The first four Pets were:

  • L.A.S.S.I
  • Electro Owl
  • Mighty Yak
  • Unicorn

Then in October 2022, with the release of Town Hall 15, 4 new Hero Pets were introduced, unlockable by upgrading the Pet House to level 8.

These Pets included:

  • Frosty 
  • Diggy
  • Poison Lizard
  • Phoenix

Since then, two Pets have been added to the game, with the Pet House available to upgrade to level 10. They are: 

  • Spirit Fox 
  • Angry Jelly

A brief overview of Hero Pets:

  • Pets are units that can be assigned to a Hero, acting as their animal companion.
  • Pets follow their set Hero until death.
  • Every Pet has a unique ability that helps their partnered Hero in battle. 
  • Each Hero only has space for one Pet.
  • Each Pet may only be allocated to one Hero at a time.
  • Pets are upgradeable in the Pet House for Dark Elixir and cannot be used while upgrading. 

Knowing which Pets are best for which Heroes helps to prioritise which ones to upgrade, whatever your Town Hall level. I’ll go through each Pet’s strengths, weaknesses, abilities and use cases, and which Hero you should pair them with depending on your Town Hall level, helping you to choose which Pets are best for you.


Town Hall 14 Hero Pet in Clash of Clans: L.A.S.S.I

L.A.S.S.I is the first Hero Pet you unlock once the Pet House has been constructed. Her special ability allows her to jump over walls. 

She has a quick movement speed of 32 and attacks ground targets within 2.5 tiles of the Hero she is paired with, doing single-target melee damage to them. 

At maxed level (15) L.A.S.S.I have 4,100 hitpoints and deal 290 damage per second.

L.A.S.S.I is the most basic of pets, with good hitpoints and high damage, but a wall-jumping ability that most Pets released later have built-in alongside their special ability, making her redundant after Town Hall 14.

Overall, L.A.S.S.I is useful when first unlocked at Town Hall 14, but as soon as other Pets are available, she is simply outclassed. The best Hero to pair L.A.S.S.I for Town Hall 14 is the Royal Champion, as she runs ahead of her, protecting her from incoming damage, and targets defences, which makes use of her high damage output.

Electro Owl

The Electro Owl is unlocked at Pet House level 2. The Owl’s ability is a lightning attack which bounces from one target to another, similar to an Electro Dragon. However, it is only able to hit two targets within 1 tile of each other.

Electro Owl flies with a medium movement speed of 20. It can battle ground and air targets and attacks whatever its Hero is targeting from a 6-tile range. 

At maxed level (15) Electro Owl has 3,000 hitpoints and deals 170 damage per second.

Electro Owl is a useful Pet that can soften up buildings and deal good damage with its ability. The lightning bounces from the first target to a second, dealing 80% of its primary damage to the second target. However, it has relatively low health and can be easily taken out by Air Defences, particularly if there aren’t other air Troops to protect it. 

Overall, Electro Owl is a good Pet when unlocked at Town Hall 14, but isn’t the best when others become available. The best Hero to pair it with is the Grand Warden. This pairing complements both parties as the Owl stays protected behind the army with the Warden, and the Owl’s attack increases the Warden’s damage output.

Mighty Yak

Town Hall 14 Pet in Clash of Clans: Mighty Yak

The Mighty Yak is unlocked at Pet House level 3. Its special ability is that it deals x20 damage to walls. 

With a medium movement speed of 20, Mighty Yak attacks ground targets within 7 tiles of its Hero. It does single-target melee damage and has a slow attack speed of every 2.1 seconds. 

At maxed level (15) Mighty Yak has 6,300 hitpoints, a damage per second of 116, and deals 4,872 damage per hit against walls. 

The Mighty Yak also has a secondary ability where it rages if its companion Hero is defeated. The rage lasts for 8 seconds, increases its movement speed by 16, and increases its damage by 70%. It also has the highest hitpoints of any Pet but with low base damage. When raged, it can be a strong unit, but there’s no guarantee it will survive longer than its Hero.

Overall, Mighty Yak is a useful Pet for getting through walls, but after Town Hall 14, other Pets are more powerful. The best Hero to pair it with at Town Hall 14 is the Barbarian King since he’s the only melee Hero, making his need to get through walls more prominent.


Town Hall 14 Pet in Clash of Clans: Unicorn

The Unicorn is unlocked with Pet House level 4. It’s a unique Pet that Heals its companion Hero. 

The Unicorn follows behind its selected Hero with a movement speed of 16, jumping over walls if needed, and healing the Hero every second so long as it’s within the Unicorn’s 2.5 tile range.

At maxed level (10) the Unicorn has 1,950 hitpoints and a healing per second of 70.

Unicorn is one of the best pets in Clash of Clans because its Hero healing is stronger than a regular Healer. It’s fantastic at increasing the survivability of a Hero by continually replenishing its health. If its companion Hero is defeated, the Unicorn continues to heal another nearby friendly unit, ground or air, getting even more value.

Overall, the Unicorn is an incredible Pet at any Town Hall level and well worth upgrading. It’s best paired with the Archer Queen and is perfect to use with Healers in a Queen Charge, providing the Queen more healing per second. This being said, it’s a brilliant option whatever your strategy.


Town Hall 15 Pet in Clash of Clans: Frosty

Frosty is unlocked at Pet House level 5 and is available at Town Hall 15. Its special ability activates every 8 seconds, spawning Frostmites (little blue balls that quickly bounce towards defences, and slow down its attack speed upon impact). 

Furthermore, Frosty has a slow effect in its single-target 3.5 tile ranged attack which can hit ground and air targets. It has a good movement speed of 24, can jump over walls, and favours targets within 4.5 tiles of its Hero. 

At maxed level (10) Frosty has 3,300 hitpoints, deals 130 damage per second, and spawns 2 Frostmites per summon up to a maximum of 10.

Frosty is a great support Pet that slows down the rate at which defences attack, thus lowering their damage output, which indirectly increases your army’s survivability. This is particularly effective against defences with a slow fire rate but high damage such as the Monolith and Scattershots. 

Overall, Frosty is a brilliant Pet at Town Hall 15 and 16. It’s great when paired with the Grand Warden, as they’re both supportive units that stay behind the army, allowing it to get full value by summoning the maximum amount of Frostmites. It can also be good when paired with the King, who can tank for it while it supports him from behind.


Town Hall 15 Pet in Clash of Clans: Diggy

Diggy is unlocked at Pet House level 6. He burrows underground, like a Miner, and if he surfaces at a defence he stuns it, stopping it from attacking for a brief time. 

While burrowed, Diggy bypasses walls, has a fast movement speed of 32, and targets whatever his Hero does. Once on the surface, he does single-target melee damage to buildings. 

At maxed level (10) Diggy has 5,000 hitpoints and deals 150 damage per second. Furthermore, his stun effect lasts for 3 seconds.

Diggy is one of the best Hero Pets in the game. With high hitpoints, decent damage, and a deadly stun effect, Diggy is a brilliant and versatile support Pet. Since he burrows underground, he typically survives for a long time. If his Hero is defeated, he pairs with the next closest Hero, targeting whatever they are. 

Overall, Diggy has an outstanding ability and good stats, making him useful at Town Hall 15 and 16. Pairing him with the Royal Champion is the best option, as she primarily targets defences, which Diggy can stun. The Champion will be exposed while Diggy is underground, but his stun ability makes up for this. Alternatively, pairing Diggy with the Grand Warden can be good since the Warden is constantly changing targets, allowing Diggy to stun several defences in the process.

Poison Lizard

Clash of Clans Town Hall 15 Pet: Poison Lizard

Poison Lizard is unlocked at Pet House level 7. It spits poison at its enemies, slowing down defending Heroes and Troops, much like the Head Hunter troop. 

The Poison Lizard can jump over walls, has a very quick movement speed of 36, and a very fast attack speed, attacking every 0.35 seconds. Its favoured targets are enemy Heroes and Troops within 6.5 tiles of its companion Hero. It shoots a single-target ranged attack from 3.5 tiles away which can hit ground and air targets. 

At maxed level (10) the Poison Lizard has 1,700 hitpoints and deals 280 damage per second. Its maximum poison damage is 120 per second, and it slows down an enemy unit’s movement speed by 38% and attack speed by 50%.

Poison Lizard is a good, but situational Pet since its poison effect is not applied to buildings. It’s perfect at helping take out defending Heroes, Clan Castle Troops, and Skeletons spawned from Skeleton Traps. Even without its poison effect, it still deals the second-highest damage of any Pet (only behind L.A.S.S.I). However, its low hitpoints mean it can easily be taken out if targeted. 

Overall, the Poison Lizard is a brilliant Pet if utilised correctly. It has two good pairing options. One is the Barbarian King, which can tank for the Lizard while dealing a lot of damage from a distance. The other is the Grand Warden since he typically stays behind the army, which can tank for himself and the Lizard.


Clash of Clans Town Hall 15 Pet: Phoenix

The Phoenix is the final Pet unlocked at Town Hall 15, available at Pet House level 8. The Phoenix starts the battle as an egg which does nothing and cannot be targeted. When its Hero is knocked out, the Phoenix hatches, reviving the Hero and granting them temporary invulnerability. 

Once hatched, the Phoenix flies with a movement speed of 16. It has an attack range of 2.5 tiles and targets whatever its Hero is. Once the invulnerability ends, the Hero is knocked out for good and the Phoenix attacks the closest target, ground or air with a small area splash attack.

At maxed level (10) the Phoenix has 4,200 hitpoints and a damage per second of 250. Its invulnerability lasts for 8 seconds.

Phoenix is a useful Pet for any situation since its ability is guaranteed to activate unless your Hero isn’t defeated. During this brief revived time, the Hero is the perfect tank, since they can’t take damage. It also allows the Hero to take out a few more buildings than they otherwise would. The Phoenix is great at setting off Seeking Air Mines while invulnerable which clears the way for other air units. 

Overall, the Phoenix is an amazing Pet that is a safe choice for most Heroes. It’s most commonly used on the Barbarian King as he is usually at the front of the attack and the first to go down. Using it on the Royal Champion or Archer Queen is also a reasonable option. Pairing it with the Grand Warden is less effective because he is usually one of the last units to go down and has a low damage output.

Spirit Fox

Clash of Clans Town Hall 16 Pet: Spirit Fox

The Spirit Fox is unlockable at Pet House level 9, which is available at Town Hall 16. It periodically turns itself and its companion Hero invisible for a short time. 

The Spirit Fox can jump over walls and has a movement speed of 24. Its 2.5-tile ranged attack does single-target damage to ground targets within 4.5 tiles of its Hero. 

At maxed level (10) Spirit Fox has 2,800 hitpoints and deals 180 damage per second. Its ability lasts for 4 seconds and activates every 6 seconds, making your Hero invisible 40% of the time.

The Spirit Fox is a fantastic Pet, greatly increasing the survivability of its partnered Hero by continually making them untargetable. It may only have medium hitpoints and damage, but the utility of the Fox is what makes it great. Plus, it’s an ability that is always useful with its only limit being how long the Fox survives. 

Overall, Spirit Fox is arguably the best Hero Pet in the game. So far, The best pairing is the Royal Champion, who is usually sent in alone, making the Fox’s protection from incoming damage extra useful. Pairing it with the Barbarian King is good, but if you want him to tank for units behind him, the invisibility will hinder this. Using it on the Warden or Queen isn’t great as it has a much shorter attack range than both and will often run ahead and get taken out quickly, wasting its valuable ability. 

Angry Jelly

Town Hall 16 Pet: Angry Jelly

Angry Jelly is the latest Pet available at Town Hall 16 and is unlocked at Pet House level 10. When deployed, it brainwashes its Hero into prioritising defences for a limited duration. During this time, the Jelly floats above its Hero, attacking, but unable to be attacked. Once the brainwashing duration ends, the Jelly becomes targetable by defences and traps. 

The Angry Jelly deals single target damage at a range of 1.5 tiles, targeting ground and air. During the Brainwash ability, the Jelly has a movement speed equal to the Hero and attacks its Hero’s target. Once the ability ends, the Jelly detaches from the Hero, its movement speed becomes 16, and it attacks its targets.  

At maxed level (10) the Angry Jelly has 2,125 hitpoints and deals 193 damage per second. Its Brainwash ability lasts for 35 seconds.

The Angry Jelly is an unusual and situational Pet, allowing for diverse strategies. However, apart from certain cases, it can be more of a hindrance than a help. Its damage is pretty good, but it has low hitpoints, so once its brainwash effect ends, it is easily taken out.

Overall, the Angry Jelly can be a useful Pet when used in certain strategies. Using it with the Barbarian King allows him to take out a compartment of defences, not getting distracted by non-defence buildings outside the base. It’s also good when paired with the Grand Warden in Warden Charge strategies. It’s also worth trying it with the Queen in a Queen Charge, but this often ends with her encountering too much damage too soon and being taken out early. Using it on the Royal Champion has no effect since she already prioritises defences.

The Best Pets for each Town Hall

Since there are many possibilities, we’ve broken this section into three parts, one for each Town Hall level that has access to Pets (Town Halls 14, 15, and 16). Each section lists the best Pets for each Hero. Hopefully, this will give you a clear idea of what to use, depending on your Town Hall level.

Best Pets for Each Hero at Town Hall 14

  • Barbarian King – Mighty Yak 
  • Archer Queen – Unicorn 
  • Grand Warden – Electro Owl
  • Royal Champion – L.A.S.S.I

Town Hall 14 is fairly simple with each Pet helping to cover its paired Hero’s weaknesses. 

The Mighty Yak helps the King break through walls to get into the base and take out more valuable defences.  

The Unicorn increases the Queen’s survivability and makes her even stronger in a Queen Charge. 

The Electro Owl increases the Warden’s damage output and helps support the attack from the backlines. 

L.A.S.S.I can keep up with and tank for the Royal Champion while helping to take out defences more quickly.

Best Pets for Each Hero at Town Hall 15

Phoenix, Frosty and Poison Lizard all become great options for the King, offering more than the Yak. The Phoenix keeps the King alive a little longer after going down, making him the perfect tank for other units during this time. Frosty is a brilliant all-round supportive Pet that is always worth considering. The Poison Lizard is great for helping the King take out defending Heroes and for dealing a lot of damage.

The Unicorn is still the best choice for the Queen since it offers her the best support and survivability. Phoenix or Frosty can be alternatives if the Unicorn is upgrading.

Frosty or Poison Lizard become brilliant options for the Warden, depending on what you prefer. Frosty offers a lot of value through its frost effect, helping to keep your units alive. Poison Lizard significantly increases the Warden’s damage output and is great when dealing with defending Troops and Heroes. 

Because of its deadly stun effect, Diggy becomes the favoured option for the Royal Champion. This perfect pairing improves her survivability and attacking potency because she can usually destroy the stunned defence before the effect wears off. 

If you’re not sure what to choose for the Warden and King, I’d recommend using the Phoenix on the King, Frosty on the Warden and then training a Headhunter (only 6 housing spaces) which can fulfil the role of the Poison Lizard.

Best Pets for Each Hero at Town Hall 16

Town Hall 16 is even more varied, but most choices remain the same.

The Barbarian King is mostly the same as before, but with the inclusion of the Spirit Fox if you choose not to use it on the Royal Champion. The Angry Jelly is also an option if you wish to send him in to take out a compartment of defences on his own.

The Queen remains the same, but if you wish, try her with the Angry Jelly in a Queen Charge and see how it goes. It may work better in some situations, but overall the Unicorn is still the safest and strongest choice. 

The Grand Warden changes slightly due to the inclusion of the Spirit Fox, which will typically take the place of Diggy on the Royal Champion. Using Diggy on the Warden is a strong option that gets a lot of value from its stun effect to support the army. Alternatively, if you like to do a Warden Charge, try the Angry Jelly and see how it works for you. 

In most cases, the Spirit Fox is stronger than Diggy on the Royal Champion, since it significantly increases her survivability. If you find yourself choosing Diggy, then utilising the Spirit Fox on the King is an alternative option.

A note on Hero Equipment

It’s worth noting that certain Hero Pet pairings can be stronger or weaker depending on your Hero Equipment choice.

Here are a few key examples of how Hero Equipment can affect how you pair up a Pet with your Hero:

The Spirit Fox makes the Barbarian King’s Vampstache brilliant because, during the invisibility, the King can recover some of his lost health, which greatly increases his survivability. 

However, if you use the Angry Jelly on him, the Earthquake Boots can be useful for breaking into compartments, granting easy access to defences, and the Rage Vial, Giant Gauntlet, or Spiky Ball can deal massive damage when inside.

Another example is using Angry Jelly on the Grand Warden which is best paired with the Fireball and Rage Gem. The Jelly will help the Warden clear outside defences efficiently so that his Fireball can hit the core of the base and get massive value.


In conclusion, Pets are brilliant companions that greatly help your Heroes and can offer new ways of attacking. We’ve covered their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the best Hero-Pet combinations for each Town Hall level. As always, feel free to try different combinations and see what works best for you.

We hope this guide has helped you choose the best Pets to use with each of your Heroes. 

Clash on!

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