Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) has teamed up with the beloved anime series Hunter x Hunter in an electrifying collaboration that has the gaming and...
Blooing2 Mins readFloryn, the Budding Hope, is a gentle support hero in Mobile Legends who, accompanied by Dew, uses her vibrant plants to restore her...
Blooing6 Mins readChip is a little furry alien who showed up in the Land of Dawn with a big love for machines and mischief. He...
Blooing6 Mins readMeet Cici, the yo-yo artist in Mobile Legends, bringing a captivating mix of speed, control, and consistent damage to the battlefield. To truly...
Blooing3 Mins readNovaria, the Star Rebel, is a powerful mage in Mobile Legends. She’s not just about flashy skills and big damage – she’s about...
Blooing2 Mins readNolan, the Cosmic Wayfinder, is an agile assassin hero in Mobile Legends who excels in controlling the battlefield with precision and strategy. His...
Blooing6 Mins readThe Land of Dawn is about to undergo a cosmic transformation with the arrival of Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.20! This massive update introduces...
Blooing4 Mins readAlpha, the Blade of Enmity, is a relentless fighter in Mobile Legends, built to sustain heavy battles and dominate with his lethal twin-spear...
Blooing7 Mins readExcepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident